A Gene Coding for a Membrane–Bound Hydrolase is Expressed as a Secreted, Soluble Enzyme in Streptomy

Author:  ["John G. Steiert","Burton M. Pogell","Marilyn K. Speedie","James Laredo"]

Publication:  Bio/Technology

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A Flavobacterium opd gene, which encodes for a membrane–associated phosphotriesterase, was cloned into Streptomyces lividans strain 66. The gene product was constitutively produced in the streptomycete as a soluble, extracellular enzyme. S. lividans (Gram–positive) was able to use the Flavobacterium (Gram–negative) promoter region for high level expression of the enzyme. This cloning system may be of value for the expression and secretion of other membrane–associated proteins

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Steiert, J., Pogell, B., Speedie, M. et al. A Gene Coding for a Membrane–Bound Hydrolase is Expressed as a Secreted, Soluble Enzyme in Streptomyces Lividans. Nat Biotechnol 7, 65–68 (1989). https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt0189-65

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