Computer Based Visualization for Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Distribution of Matrix

Author:  ["Claudy J-P Mullon","W. Mark Saltzman","Robert Langer"]

Publication:  Bio/Technology

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We have developed a computer based imaging approach for determining the distribution of immobilized protein within a porous support. The computor-based visualization allows quantitative and qualitative analysis of the protein distribution profile. Microscopic fluorometry of fluorescein isothicyanate-labeled bovine serum albumin immobilized onto Eupergit C beads was used to examine the capability of the visualization method. As the total amount of immobilized protein increased with time. the gradient of the immobilized protein profile versus the radial position decreased, becoming virtually independent of the position at about 3 hours. This technique may be implemented with any protein detection methods using staining fluorescent or radioactive labels.

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Mullon, CP., Saltzman, W. & Langer, R. Computer Based Visualization for Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Distribution of Matrix-Bound Proteins. Nat Biotechnol 6, 927–929 (1988).

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