The Use of Non-Radioactive Oligonucleotide Probes to Analyze Enzymatically Amplified DNA for Prenata

Author:  ["Teodorica L. Bugawan","Randall K. Saiki","Corey H. Levenson","Robert M. Watson","Henry A. Erlich"]

Publication:  Bio/Technology

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Non-radioactive oligonucleotide probes for specific alleles of the HLA-DQα and β-globin loci have been synthesized and applied to forensic analysis and prenatal diagnosis. The results obtained with biotin-labeled, enzyme-labeled, and 32P-labeled probes are compared in the individuality analysis of different autopsy samples and the diagnosis of two fetuses at risk for sickle-cell anemia.

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Bugawan, T., Saiki, R., Levenson, C. et al. The Use of Non-Radioactive Oligonucleotide Probes to Analyze Enzymatically Amplified DNA for Prenatal Diagnosis and Forensic HLA Typing. Nat Biotechnol 6, 943–947 (1988).

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