Perivascular nitric oxide gradients normalize tumor vasculature

Author:  ["Satoshi Kashiwagi","Kosuke Tsukada","Lei Xu","Junichi Miyazaki","Sergey V Kozin","James A Tyrrell","William C Sessa","Leo E Gerweck","Rakesh K Jain","Dai Fukumura"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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Normalization of tumor vasculature is an emerging strategy to improve cytotoxic therapies. Here we show that eliminating nitric oxide (NO) production from tumor cells via neuronal NO synthase silencing or inhibition establishes perivascular gradients of NO in human glioma xenografts in mice and normalizes the tumor vasculature, resulting in improved tumor oxygenation and response to radiation treatment. Creation of perivascular NO gradients may be an effective strategy for normalizing abnormal vasculature.

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Kashiwagi, S., Tsukada, K., Xu, L. et al. Perivascular nitric oxide gradients normalize tumor vasculature. Nat Med 14, 255–257 (2008).

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