Gamma secretase–mediated Notch signaling worsens brain damage and functional outcome in ischemic str

Author:  ["Thiruma V Arumugam","Sic L Chan","Dong-Gyu Jo","Gokhan Yilmaz","Sung-Chun Tang","Aiwu Cheng","Marc Gleichmann","Eitan Okun","Vishwa D Dixit","Srinivasulu Chigurupati","Mohamed R Mughal","Xin Ouyang","Lucio Miele","Tim Magnus","Suresh Poosala","D Neil Granger","Mark P Mattson"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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Mice transgenic for antisense Notch and normal mice treated with inhibitors of the Notch-activating enzyme γ-secretase showed reduced damage to brain cells and improved functional outcome in a model of focal ischemic stroke. Notch endangers neurons by modulating pathways that increase their vulnerability to apoptosis, and by activating microglial cells and stimulating the infiltration of proinflammatory leukocytes. These findings suggest that Notch signaling may be a therapeutic target for treatment of stroke and related neurodegenerative conditions.

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Arumugam, T., Chan, S., Jo, DG. et al. Gamma secretase–mediated Notch signaling worsens brain damage and functional outcome in ischemic stroke. Nat Med 12, 621–623 (2006).

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