Human sebaceous tumors harbor inactivating mutations in LEF1

Author:  ["Hikaru Takeda","Stephen Lyle","Alexander J F Lazar","Christos C Zouboulis","Ian Smyth","Fiona M Watt"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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We found that one-third of human sebaceous tumors examined had double-nucleotide substitutions in the same LEF1 allele, irrespective of DNA mismatch repair status. The mutations impaired both LEF1 binding to β-catenin and transcriptional activation, and are the first tumor-associated mutations that inactivate Wnt signaling. Mutant LEF1 not only inhibited expression of β-catenin target genes but also stimulated expression of sebocyte markers, suggesting that it may determine the differentiated characteristics of sebaceous tumors.

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Takeda, H., Lyle, S., Lazar, A. et al. Human sebaceous tumors harbor inactivating mutations in LEF1. Nat Med 12, 395–397 (2006).

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