Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 mediates induction of corneal alloimmunity

Author:  ["Lu Chen","Pedram Hamrah","Claus Cursiefen","Qiang Zhang","Bronislaw Pytowski","J Wayne Streilein","M Reza Dana"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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There are no studies so far linking molecular regulation of lymphangiogenesis and induction of adaptive immunity. Here, we show that blockade of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 (VEGFR-3) signaling significantly suppresses corneal antigen-presenting (dendritic) cell trafficking to draining lymph nodes, induction of delayed-type hypersensitivity and rejection of corneal transplants. Regulating the function of VEGFR-3 may therefore be a mechanism for modulating adaptive immunity in the periphery.

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Chen, L., Hamrah, P., Cursiefen, C. et al. Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 mediates induction of corneal alloimmunity. Nat Med 10, 813–815 (2004).

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