HIV protease inhibitors protect apolipoprotein B from degradation by the proteasome: A potential mec

Author:  ["Jun-Shan Liang","Oliver Distler","David A. Cooper","Haris Jamil","Richard J. Deckelbaum","Henry N. Ginsberg","Stephen L. Sturley"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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Highly active anti-retroviral therapies, which incorporate HIV protease inhibitors, resolve many AIDS-defining illnesses. However, patients receiving protease inhibitors develop a marked lipodystrophy and hyperlipidemia. Using cultured human and rat hepatoma cells and primary hepatocytes from transgenic mice, we demonstrate that protease inhibitor treatment inhibits proteasomal degradation of nascent apolipoprotein B, the principal protein component of triglyceride and cholesterol-rich plasma lipoproteins. Unexpectedly, protease inhibitors also inhibited the secretion of apolipoprotein B. This was associated with inhibition of cholesteryl-ester synthesis and microsomal triglyceride transfer-protein activity. However, in the presence of oleic acid, which stimulates neutral-lipid biosynthesis, protease-inhibitor treatment increased secretion of apolipoprotein B-lipoproteins above controls. These findings suggest a molecular basis for protease-inhibitor–associated hyperlipidemia, a serious adverse effect of an otherwise efficacious treatment for HIV infection.

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Liang, JS., Distler, O., Cooper, D. et al. HIV protease inhibitors protect apolipoprotein B from degradation by the proteasome: A potential mechanism for protease inhibitor-induced hyperlipidemia. Nat Med 7, 1327–1331 (2001).

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