Dendritic cells genetically modified to express CD40 ligand and pulsed with antigen can initiate ant

Author:  ["Toshiaki Kikuchi","Stefan Worgall","Ravi Singh","Malcolm A.S. Moore","Ronald G Crystal"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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We have investigated whether dendritic cells genetically modified to express CD40 ligand and pulsed with antigen can trigger B cells to produce antigen-specific antibodies without CD4+ T-cell help. Dendritic cells modified with a recombinant adenovirus vector to express CD40 ligand and pulsed with heat-killed Pseudomonas induced naive B cells to produce antibodies against Pseudomonas in the absence of CD4+ T cells in vitro, initiated Pseudomonas-specific humoral immune responses in vivo in wild-type and CD4−/− mice, and protected immunized wild-type and CD4−/−, but not B-cell−/− mice, from lethal intrapulmonary challenge with Pseudomonas. Thus, genetic modification of dendritic cells with CD40 ligand enables them to present a complex mixture of microbial antigens and establish CD4+ T cell-independent, B cell-mediated protective immunity against a specific microbe.

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Kikuchi, T., Worgall, S., Singh, R. et al. Dendritic cells genetically modified to express CD40 ligand and pulsed with antigen can initiate antigen-specific humoral immunity independent of CD4+ T cells. Nat Med 6, 1154–1159 (2000).

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