➦   UFD4 lacking the proteasome-binding region catalyses ubiquitination but is impaired in proteolysis

➦   Bicaudal-D regulates COPI-independent Golgi–ER transport by recruiting the dynein–dynactin motor com

➦   Pointed and Tramtrack69 establish an EGFR-dependent transcriptional switch to regulate mitosis

➦   Interaction of FANCD2 and NBS1 in the DNA damage response

➦   Myosin IXb is a single-headed minus-end-directed processive motor

➦   Unconventional tethering of Ulp1 to the transport channel of the nuclear pore complex by karyopherin

➦   Yeast epsin-related proteins required for Golgi–endosome traffic define a γ-adaptin ear-binding moti

➦   Vimentin is secreted by activated macrophages

➦   Integrated activity of PDZ protein complexes regulates epithelial polarity

➦   Interactions between the crumbs, lethal giant larvae and bazooka pathways in epithelial polarization

➦   Inherent calcineurin inhibitor FKBP38 targets Bcl-2 to mitochondria and inhibits apoptosis

➦   Regulation of microtubule stability by the von Hippel-Lindau tumour suppressor protein pVHL

➦   Signalling and crosstalk of Rho GTPases in mediating axon guidance

➦   The Drosophila HOAP protein is required for telomere capping

➦   ɛ-Tubulin is required for centriole duplication and microtubule organization

➦   Active cyclin B1–Cdk1 first appears on centrosomes in prophase

➦   Fas engagement induces neurite growth through ERK activation and p35 upregulation

➦   Repeated phosphopeptide motifs in Claspin mediate the regulated binding of Chk1

➦   Three-dimensional analysis of post-Golgi carrier exocytosis in epithelial cells

➦   Dlg, Scrib and Lgl regulate neuroblast cell size and mitotic spindle asymmetry

➦   SAP couples Fyn to SLAM immune receptors

➦   Direct interaction of two polarity complexes implicated in epithelial tight junction assembly

➦   Binding of SAP SH2 domain to FynT SH3 domain reveals a novel mechanism of receptor signalling in imm

➦   The signal flow and motor response controling chemotaxis of sea urchin sperm

➦   Native Myosin-IXb is a plus-, not a minus-end-directed motor