Functional and morphological recovery of dystrophic muscles in mice treated with deacetylase inhibit

Author:  ["G C Minetti","C Colussi","R Adami","C Serra","C Mozzetta","V Parente","S Fortuni","S Straino","M Sampaolesi","M Di Padova","B Illi","P Gallinari","C Steinkühler","M C Capogrossi","V Sartorelli","R Bottinelli","C Gaetano","P L Puri"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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Pharmacological interventions that increase myofiber size counter the functional decline of dystrophic muscles1,2. We show that deacetylase inhibitors increase the size of myofibers in dystrophin-deficient (MDX) and α-sarcoglycan (α-SG)–deficient mice by inducing the expression of the myostatin antagonist follistatin3 in satellite cells. Deacetylase inhibitor treatment conferred on dystrophic muscles resistance to contraction-coupled degeneration and alleviated both morphological and functional consequences of the primary genetic defect. These results provide a rationale for using deacetylase inhibitors in the pharmacological therapy of muscular dystrophies.

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Minetti, G., Colussi, C., Adami, R. et al. Functional and morphological recovery of dystrophic muscles in mice treated with deacetylase inhibitors. Nat Med 12, 1147–1150 (2006).

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