A role for LEDGF/p75 in targeting HIV DNA integration

Author:  ["Angela Ciuffi","Manuel Llano","Eric Poeschla","Christian Hoffmann","Jeremy Leipzig","Paul Shinn","Joseph R Ecker","Frederic Bushman"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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HIV DNA integration is favored in active genes, but the underlying mechanism is unclear. Cellular lens epithelium-derived growth factor (LEDGF/p75) binds both chromosomal DNA and HIV integrase, and might therefore direct integration by a tethering interaction. We analyzed HIV integration in cells depleted for LEDGF/p75, and found that integration was (i) less frequent in transcription units, (ii) less frequent in genes regulated by LEDGF/p75 and (iii) more frequent in GC-rich DNA. LEDGF is thus the first example of a cellular protein controlling the location of HIV integration in human cells.

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Ciuffi, A., Llano, M., Poeschla, E. et al. A role for LEDGF/p75 in targeting HIV DNA integration. Nat Med 11, 1287–1289 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1038/nm1329

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