Short interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting the Lyn kinase induces apoptosis in primary, and drug-resist

Author:  ["Andrzej Ptasznik","Yuji Nakata","Anna Kalota","Stephen G Emerson","Alan M. Gewirtz"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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We studied the effects of Lyn ablation on the survival of drug-resistant chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) blast crisis cells using siRNA. Lyn siRNA reduced Lyn protein in both normal hematopoietic cells and BCR-ABL1-expressing (BCR-ABL1(+)) blasts by 80–95%. Within 48 h, siRNA-treated BCR-ABL1(+) blasts underwent apoptosis, whereas normal cells remained viable. This increased dependence on Lyn signaling for BCR-ABL1(+) blast survival provides the basis for rational treatment of drug-resistant CML blast crisis, particularly when lymphoid in nature.

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Ptasznik, A., Nakata, Y., Kalota, A. et al. Short interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting the Lyn kinase induces apoptosis in primary, and drug-resistant, BCR-ABL1(+) leukemia cells. Nat Med 10, 1187–1189 (2004).

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